This Christmas is going to be rough. Like a lot of people, we are having some pretty serious financial difficulties. To the point that I've really been concerned on more than one occasion.
The thing is though, I am a Christian. (Yes, liberal and Christian are not mutually exclusive...) And I truly believe that "Jesus is the reason for the season." I'm not going to get preachy, so you can keep reading. But we have gotten away from what we really need to think about when it comes to Christmas. Even if you're not Christian, but still celebrate the holiday in it's secular sense, you need to think about it's meaning. Love each other, give to those less fortunate than yourself, spend time with your kids. Maybe take some time to show them something. Think about the volunteering thing.
So, anyway, in my cruising of blogs, I came across Sound of a Soft Breath which showed me this thing called Advent Conspiracy. I really think it was shown to me because of all the stress and worry I've been experiencing. The whole point is just to spend less on gifts, focus more on worship and family and charity. They have a focus on providing clean water to the poor. The one statistic that really got to me was that we spend $450 Billion on Christmas and it would take $10 Billion to provide clean water to everyone in the world that doesn't have it right now. That blew my mind.
Watch these two videos and see if you aren't moved. I was.
Now, I don't know if this year I'm going to actually be able to contribute money to this very worthwhile cause. But I'm getting close to being back on my feet, and I think next year I'm going to have something to give. In the meantime, I'm using this very small platform to spread their word.
Go to Advent Conspiracy and learn more. The cause is great and the message is inspiring.
I know this is pretty early, but Merry Christmas and may God Bless you and your families.
Posted by Ken at 5:13 PM
2comments Calvin - "How come you know so much?" Dad - "It's all in the book you get when you become a father."
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About Me
Name: Ken Home: Upstate, NY, United States The Basics: Me? I'm a very happy father to three children and male role model to two more for a grand total of five children. Four boys and one girl. They range in age from one to fifteen years old. They are awesome kids and distinctly unique. I am madly in love with Emmy who has made me happier than I ever thought I could be. I work for a software company providing training and customer support. Last, but not least, I am a Freemason in The Grand Lodge of New York.